Saturday 31 October 2015

Open Risk Taker : Yoichiro Mikami

  • Name : Kim Boem-Soo
  • Age : 16 years old
  • Date of Birth : 2 January 1998
  • Nationality : Japanese
  • Occupation : CEO and Founder of GNEX Co.

To be a successful entrepreneur, a person must have full confident to face the risk they will face now and in the future. Risk taker is means we willing to do something for sure even though we know we might loss everything we have right now. For sure if we need to choose life or carer, an entrepreneur must put priority in carer especially in the beginning of the business to operate.   To start a business, we need a lot of fund. That means we need to make bank loan, use personal saving, and others as capital to begin the business.  In term of economic, we call it as margin cost which means we need to let go an amount to get new amount or thing. In addition, the risk that entrepreneur also need to consider is their resting time.
To be a successful business women or men they need to sacrifice time to work more on subject.  Only a person who is brave to take risk is suitable to be called as entrepreneur. They brave to face loss job, don’t have money during few months and years. Some of them also have to make difficult decision which is end up their study and start doing business with no education about business.

Japan is well known as the third largest economic after united state and china. There is an example of Japan entrepreneur that risk taker, the person is Yoichiro Mikami. He is the youngest entrepreneur in Japan who brave to quit school at young age to start a company. He was 13 years old during him won $50,000 in a student business contest with an idea for an Airbnb-type service. According to the Japanese law, he is two years young from the age available to operate a company alone.

So he needs to continue his study until age 15 only then he can run a company itself. "I realized I was 15, many big Japanese companies are already 50 or 60 years old, and they would need to survive another 50 years to employ me until my retirement," said the bespectacled Mikami, whose vocabulary and mien have matured faster than his still-boyish face. "But what if they go bankrupt when I'm 40? I would be thrown into an abyss. So I thought I should do something for myself." (Los Angeles Times).
Yoichiro Mikami is now the chief executive officer and founder of GNEX Ltd. After he gets blessing and permission from his parent to quit school, he starts checking his investment in the morning. He started to invest in solar equipment since he was eight after he read investment book on his father book shelter. He also has make investigation on other successful teenager entrepreneur all around the world. He started find fund for student project and sponsorship. He gives full concentrate on his company right now.

Even though he owned a successful company, he still looks forward example from teenager around the world. He believe that teenagers now days not fully depend on adult; they can make their own decision. It is the time for young entrepreneur to arise the world economic.

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